Aphelion™ driver for the Diagnostic Instruments® Spot Insight camera

The Aphelion driver for the Diagnostic Instruments Spot Insight camera series (visit www.spotimaging.com/cameras/insight-cmos/ for further information) has been updated to support the Color Mosaic models (IN142X and IN182X) in addition to the Mono and Color 3-Shot models already supported in previous versions of Aphelion.
The Spot Insight cameras are especially well suited to microscopy applications in low light conditions, thanks to their high quality image sensor (high resolution and dynamic range), their low noise level, and their capabilities to capture images during a long exposure time (up to 536 seconds). In addition, these models are available with either a C-mount or F-mount lens adapter. Their main features of Spot Insight are:
- 2 or 4 millions pixel resolution depending on the model
- High quantum efficiency Kodak 2020/4020 CCD sensor
- Up to 14 bit image capture
- Connective cooled heat sink
- 20 Mhz readout
- FireWire interface
The Aphelion driver for Diagnostic Instruments Spot Insight camera supports the following capabilities:
- Live image and snapshot captures
- Selection of the active camera by its identifier
- Image format (any size up to the full resolution)
- Binning mode
- Pixel depth, color or monochrome (for color cameras only)
- Auto exposure on/off
- Exposure time
- Gain
- White balance (for color cameras only)
- White balance computation on/off (for color cameras only)
- Defective pixel correction on/off
- Noise filtering on/off
- Color accuracy (for color cameras only)
- Flat field correction
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